David French explains how Pete Buttigieg's Mainline Protestant faith differs from evangelical faith


“…the Mainline vision of salvation is alien to the Evangelical mind. Without diving in depth into each of the ‘Five Solas’ of the Reformation, most Evangelical Protestants understand salvation not through works of compassion but rather through faith alone, by the grace of God alone, working through the atoning sacrifice of Christ alone.” - The Dispatch


Are We Evangelicals?


“The need to define the term seems universal among those trying to get a handle on the history. In Kidd’s piece, he shows how the term evangelical now carries political baggage. He traces this development through recent decades. (Well, they seem recent to a certain set, at least!)” - Don Johnson


National Association of Evangelicals’ New President Hopes to Bring Together a Movement in Crisis


“Anderson and others have tried to keep the movement’s name from being hijacked as merely a political marker….Now Kim takes on these challenges, which have intensified during Donald Trump’s presidency. Christians are increasingly and explicitly asking what it means to be an evangelical today, with recent releases like Who Is an Evangelical?


Why Did Evangelicals Flock to Trump? Existential Fear


“Counterintuitively, the fact that Trump is bellicose, bombastic, insulting, and lives according to a code at odds with evangelicals’ beliefs actually made him more attractive as an ally, not less. ‘Evangelical nice’ is a real thing …That made evangelicals unlikely to see one of their own as capable of defeating an existential threat.” - The Bulwark
