The Cultural Consequences of Very, Very Republican Christianity


“It’s way too simple to say that it impairs the ability of Christians to reach their friends and neighbors. In some places it enhances the church’s appeal and integrates Christians within their community. In other places it creates a host of challenges and needlessly alienates Christians from their fellow citizens.


Cultural Research Center: We’re Experiencing Another Reformation, and Not in a Good Way


“A new report released Tuesday by the Cultural Research Center (CRC) of Arizona Christian University has a troubling conclusion…. Unlike the Protestant Reformation, whose goal was to return to the foundational teachings of the Bible, this modern movement is one where Americans are redefining biblical beliefs according to secular values.”- C.Leaders


The Historic Evangelical Opposition to Abortion


“It’s true that at one point the Southern Baptists passed a resolution in support of abortion. But that was an aberration–quickly reversed–from a consistent pro-life position from the very beginnings of Christianity, through the Middle Ages, through the Reformation, through the early modern period, through the 19th century, through the 20th century, and up until today.” - Veith


2,500 evangelicals sign statement on science and the pandemic


“ ‘A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times’ expresses concern for the ‘politicization of science in the public square when so many lives are at stake.’ Signers pledge to wear masks, get vaccinated and correct misinformation and conspiracy theories.” - RNS


Are evangelicals changing their minds about same-sex relationships?


“In 2007, 90 percent of evangelicals said their church forbid (63 percent) or strongly discouraged (27 percent) “homosexual behaviors.” In 2020, that figure has dropped to 65 percent …. In 2008, 34.4 percent of evangelicals between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five supported same-sex marriage.


The religious right ousts Steve King


“Steve King calls his loss in Tuesday’s primary a victory in the ‘effort to push out the strongest voice for full-spectrum constitutional, Christian conservatism.’ But the election results tell a different story. It was, to use a slightly dated term, the religious right who threw King out in favor of state Sen. Randy Feenstra.” - WExaminer


Gene Veith on why some people don't like evangelicals


“What most bothers the public about evangelicals is that they are ‘too pushy with their beliefs.’ That is, people don’t like being witnessed to. That evangelicals care about non-Christians’ temporal problems, for which Jesus can help them, and their eternal destiny, for which Jesus offers free salvation, does not matter.” - Gene Veith
