Surprising New KJV-Only Arguments! (Part 3 of 3)


“…the one argument that most surprised and delighted me. It takes real knowledge of biblical studies to come up with an argument like the one you’re about to hear. … a concept that he uses, ‘hapax legomena.’” - Mark Ward


More New KJV-Only Arguments (Part 2 of 3)


Mark Ward addresses the argument that KJV is better because its English difficulty level matches the difficulty level of the underlying Greek and Hebrew. (Transcript link above the comments section) - Mark Ward


Brand New KJV-Only Arguments (Part 1 of 3)


“one of those rare exceptions has occurred—sort of. I got a very intelligent reply to my arguments about KJV readability from a man by the name of Thomas Ross…. he came up with, depending on how you count, seven new arguments I haven’t heard.” - Mark Ward


Do Modern Bibles Change God's Word by 10% to Get Copyrights?


Viewer question: “a question that I continue to have even after completely leaving the KJV Only movement…. I have heard KJVO proponents argue that translators must intentionally reword portions of their translations to make them original and therefore able to be copyrighted.” - Mark Ward

(Transcript available at the bottom of the introductory info.)


Video: Which TR Is the Perfectly Preserved One?


“I’m not being snarky; I’m asking very sincerely. I’m driving at what I think is an important and even peacemaking point in the debate over the text of the Greek New Testament.” - Mark Ward

(A YouTube transcript is available at the link above, though you have to do a bit of hunting to find it.)
