Is the ESV a Calvinist Bible?


“It is the character of this channel to attempt to answer patiently charges that are clearly wrong, even ridiculous. Let us begin our discussion of Revelation 13:8.” - Mark Ward

Editor’s note: If you’re in a hurry, 3:40 is a good place to jump in.


They're Changing the ESV Again


“They are changing the 2001 ESV for the 2025 edition—and that’s after changes in 2007, 2011, and 2016. But I’m not alarmed, and I don’t think you should be.” - Mark Ward


ESV Bible update includes 68 word edits, reverts Genesis 3:16 wording


“The ESV’s 2016 edition…: ‘Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.’ In the 2025 revision, the verse will revert to its 2001 translation: ‘Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.’” - CPost


Do We Need a KJV Update? A Candid and Cordial Conversation


“Dan has asked … about certain passages in the New King James Version and modern English versions that he found to be troubling…. I want to give him a chance to express his concerns and I want to take an opportunity to try to answer them” - YouTube


Shew: A False Friend You'll Love


”’… ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.’ How do you pronounce that word? Or is this an entirely different word than our regular ‘show,’ s-h-o-w?” - Mark Ward
