Deciphering Covenant Theology (Part 19)
Read the series.
Looking Deeper into the Problems with Covenant Theology (4)
4. CT deals with everything it meets in the pages of Scripture using these false covenants.
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
Read the series.
4. CT deals with everything it meets in the pages of Scripture using these false covenants.
Read the series.
3. CT relies upon covenants found nowhere in Holy Writ.
Read the series.
2. CT starts its reading of the Bible in the wrong place.
Read the series.
1. CT is a mainly deductive approach to reading the Bible.
Read the series. This and the previous installment use material from my article “The Eschatology of Covenant Theology,” originally published in the Journal of Dispensational Theology, 10:30 (Sep 2006).
Read the series. This and the next installment use material from my article “The Eschatology of Covenant Theology,” originally published in the Journal of Dispensational Theology, 10:30 (Sep 2006).
“Caught between the (semi) proverbial rock of Ham and the hard place of LaHaye, many Christians–especially American fundamentalists and evangelicals–have been progressively conditioned to resort to conspiracy as an explanatory heuristic” - Conciliar Post
Covenant Theology by Michael Horton, Progressive Covenantalism by Stephen Wellum, Progressive Dispensationalism by Darrell Bock, Traditional Dispensationalism by Mark Snoeberger - P&D