Signs Intensifying: What’s Ahead for Israel?
As we approach this New Year, our world is weighted down with manifold troubles. Yet believers in Christ need not succumb to despair. God’s Word gives us the capacity to discern God’s work in history—in light of the prophetic Scriptures. Jesus, in fact, entreated His followers to engage in this exercise, and chided those who were unable to “discern the signs of the times” (Matt. 16:3).
“With a View to the Administration of the Fullness of Times”: The Relationship of the Church to the Kingdom
“of the nineteen uses of βασιλεία in the NT epistles, fully half of them occur in contexts of church membership, most often that of church discipline.” - DBTS Blog
Central Seminary to Publish ‘Dispensationalism Revisited: A Twenty-First Century Restatement’
“a collection of essays written by leading scholars in the field of dispensational theology…. a festschrift in honor of Charles A. Hauser, Jr.” - Central Seminary
How Dispensationalism Got Left Behind: A Review of Daniel Hummel’s ‘The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism’
“Darby, not nearly as sanguine about the prospects of the world or church, advanced a decidedly pessimistic eschatology, embracing what Hummel calls ‘new premillennialism,’ or what ended up being called ‘dispensationalism.’” - Acton
Facing Replacement Theology (Part 2)
Read Part 1.
What’s Going on Around the Globe?
Fazio sees a cyclical aspect to this type of philosophical swing and believes that a commitment to literal interpretation might also move to another point on the globe, such as African nations or other developing countries.
Facing Replacement Theology (Part 1)
Have the blessings God promised to the Chosen People of Israel been redirected to all believers in the church? Will the church receive the prophetic future God promised the Jewish people repeatedly throughout the Old Testament?
People who answer yes to these questions hold to a position referred to as Replacement Theology, or Supersessionism.1 This influence is growing today; and it’s important to ask, “What should we who love Israel—and God’s future plan for Israel—do about it?”
The Surprising Staying Power of Dispensationalism: A Review of Daniel G. Hummel’s ‘The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism’
“Hummel contends that dispensationalism shaped not just American fundamentalism or evangelicalism but the United States as a whole. To this day, he writes, dispensationalism remains ‘one of America’s most resilient and popular religious traditions’ ” - CToday
Book Review – Discovering Dispensationalism
“What is unique about Discovering Dispensationalism is that the contributors seek to highlight key dispensational principles that can be found in nearly every era of church history.” - DBTS Blog
Where Is Dispensationalism Going? (Part 5)
Read the series.
In the previous installment, I primarily addressed the need for the leaders of dispensational churches—including pastors and all members of the congregation—to take their roles more seriously.