“How are the lyrics of our worship music forming us?”


“It matters whether those who lead us in song see their task as creating a mood or a memory. If primarily a mood, lyrics can take a back seat …. If primarily a memory, the lyrics are critically important. Like the Psalms, they should be able to stand on their own, combined with music or not.” - CToday


Why It’s Hard to Worship with Pop Music Styles


“…this style is specifically designed for solo artists, which means that it does not lend itself well to congregational singing. It is also written to be a performance for an audience, which means that it does not lend itself well to corporate worship.” - Veith


How Has Secularism Shaped Contemporary Christianity?


One result: “I don’t know that… that God is actually going to show up in this gathering. So I’ve got to make something happen. I’ve got to make people feel something. I’ve got to make them feel moved. I’ve got to make them feel engaged.” - TGC
