Complementarians Aren’t Inherently Patriarchal


“…the view makes two claims: First, that men and women are equal image bearers worthy of equal honor and value; second, that men and women hold different roles, with men exercising a ‘headship’ that corresponds to a particular kind of authority in the church and the home.


Anatomy of a Church Coup


“For certain, no two coups are identical. Any type of examination or anatomy of a coup will always have exceptions and outliers. Our team at Church Answers has, however, seen patterns that are common to most coups. Here are some of the patterns.” - Thom Rainer


In Curbside Vote, Church Calls New Pastor


Winterhaven Florida: “In a drive-in vote April 5, following social distancing guidelines, the church voted to call Totman as pastor. He will begin ministering at the church by the middle of July.” - GARBC


Dysfunctional Elders Make a Dysfunctional Church


“Until church members see humility, unity, and equality exercised among the elders, they likely won’t practice these redemptive qualities with each another. Instead, they’ll parody Christianity in worship and service instead of mirroring the life of Christ (Gal. 4:19).” - TGC
