Assessment Questions for New Elder Candidates


“Below are the specific questions we asked, grouped into categories. We typically sent these questions out ahead of time for elder nominees to answer, then followed up with an interview by a few elders, and then before the whole elder team.” - 9 Marks


Leadership Development: A Three-Step Process

Leadership development is one of those things that churches frequently talk about but rarely plan for or actually do. According to Ephesians 4:12-16, every church is responsible to train its members for gospel-advancing, church-building ministry. But how do we do that? Below is an example of the process our church uses to develop leaders for ministry:

The Three Step Process of Ministry Leadership Development at Community of Grace


Biblical Roles of Men & Women in the Church, Part 1

Todd Kinde

A biblical theology of manhood and womanhood within the church can be approached in a couple of ways. One way is to determine from Scripture what a man or a woman can or cannot do in the life and ministry of the local church. A second way is to discern what man and woman are to be within the local church. Who one is determines what one does, while what one does defines who one is. With this premise in mind, this article will begin by gleaning the Scripture for truths regarding our being, then truths regarding our doing.


A Biblical Case Against the Deaconess


“The question of women deacons, like all doctrinal questions, must be resolved by recourse to Scripture. If the Scriptures speak clearly on the matter, then nothing else matters. If the Scriptures do not speak clearly on the matter, then we have no right to take a dogmatic position on it.” - Ref21


The Encouraging State of the Post-COVID Church


“Only 12% of churchgoers say they are ashamed of how their church has responded during the COVID-19 pandemic. Yes, pastors will tell you they have heard from every one of these naysayers. But it is important to note that they were a loud but small minority.” - Lifeway Research
