On Thinking Like Christ, Part 2: Moving to the Dump


“Does it bother you when you’re rejected by people you care about? How much did it bother Jesus when he came to his own, and his own rejected him (Jn 1.11)? when a disciple of three years betrayed him with a kiss? when his own brothers didn’t believe in him (Jn 7.5)?” - Olinger


A Savior Who Knows What It Is to Weep


“He told Martha, ‘Your brother will rise again’ (11:23) but He did not say to Martha, ‘Don’t grieve.’ He is the Resurrection and the Life, but He weeps with Martha and Mary over their loss.” - Colin Smith


Book Summary of Jesus the Dayspring: The Sunrise and the Visitation of Israel’s Messiah

Sheffield Phoenix New Testament Monographs, 43, 2021, 204 pp.

By David H. Wenkel, PhD

Messianic expectations in the first century were varied, but rarely did they include a figure associated with the sunrise or the direction of the east. However, in Luke’s gospel (1:78) the prophetic song (the ‘Benedictus’) of the priest Zechariah, father of John the Baptist, includes a title for Jesus that means the “dayspring,” “dawn,” or “rising sun” (“the sunrise shall visit us from on high” ESV).


Christ Our Passover

Christians around the world will remember and celebrate the essence of the gospel this weekend — “that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3-4).

We believe that the Apostle Paul’s inspired summary statement is true, and we are certain that these events actually happened in real history, providing the basis of our salvation.


Why We’re Still Confronting the Same Christmas Heresy as St. Nick


“Saint Nicholas, a historical precursor figure for Santa Claus, is said to have attended the First Council of Nicea in A.D. 325… Additional legends assert Nicholas became so enraged by the comments of Arius, who taught Jesus was not equal to God the Father, he slapped Arius across the face.” - Lifeway


Why Did God Allow the Devil to Tempt Jesus?

I’m not simply referring to the reason why God allowed Christ to be tempted. I’m also querying God included the account of Christ’s temptation in the Bible. According to John’s Gospel, 20:30, Christ did many significant things in His lifetime that are not recorded in Scripture. Apparently, the Holy Spirit moved the writers of Scripture to record those events which were most necessary for the salvation of sinners and edification of the church.
