Why I am not a Christian nationalist


“From what I’ve read, there are four or five kinds of Christian nationalists. In a sense, this is mostly why I am not a Christian nationalist.” - CPost


What is Liberty Coalition Canada up to?


“Working alongside Liberty Coalition Canada are dozens of churches across the country, a number of small media outlets and at least one well-funded think-tank…. Several Canadian pastors in the movement also have ties to a controversial branch of evangelical Christianity in the U.S. known as reconstructionism.” - CBC


What Is Christian Nationalism Exactly?


“the word ‘nationalism’ cannot be disconnected from its early 20th-century history in Spain, Italy, and, most notably, Germany, nor from the revolutionary nationalism that spread across the Third World in the latter part of the 20th century. In all cases, promises of ‘liberation’ brought only brutal tyranny.” - Breakpoint


Review of Doug Wilson’s Mere Christendom


“Wilson’s Mere Christendom confirms two important ideas… (1) building Christian nations is inherently a postmillennial/paedobaptist project, and (2) forming a robust Christian public theology does not require Christian Nationalism.” - Scott Aniol
