The Cultural Consequences of Very, Very Republican Christianity


“It’s way too simple to say that it impairs the ability of Christians to reach their friends and neighbors. In some places it enhances the church’s appeal and integrates Christians within their community. In other places it creates a host of challenges and needlessly alienates Christians from their fellow citizens.


The Way of Wisdom

A sermon delivered on Thursday evening, March 28, 1872, by C. H. Spurgeon, at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

There is a path which no fowl knoweth, and which the vulture’s eye hath not seen; the lion’s whelps have not trodden it, nor the fierce lion passed by it. (Job 28: 7, 8)


Disturbing but Worth It: Getting Outside Our Bubble

In seminary we were encouraged—well, required—to read outside our own theological perspective. A few students recoiled a bit. They had been living in a bubble, and those outside it had been mostly ignored, sometimes caricatured, but never directly listened to with the goal of accurate understanding.

Most students relished the wider reading. They’d already learned that curiosity, personal connection, and questioning assumptions can result in life-changing bursts of discovery and personal growth.


Don’t Demonize, Show Honor: Responding to Others After This Election Ends


“[N]o matter what happens, what shall we say to our church on Sunday? …There’s the usual stuff I will say: comfort those whose candidate lost with the certainty of Christ’s victory. Caution those whose candidate won from putting too much hope in the outcome of any election…” - 9 Marks


“Who’s to say that God didn’t miraculously reveal Himself to a pizza delivery driver as she was being rescued from a ravine in South Carolina? I certainly don’t have that right.”


“We live in an age depleted of mystery…. For many of us, while paying lip service to God’s ability to perform miracles (as if He needs our encouragement a la clapping for Tinkerbell), our reality is more akin to the prayer warriors praying for Peter’s release from prison.” - John Ellis


“The biblical lifestyle is one of serving, caring for those we find repulsive or those who mash all our buttons. It’s not about winning.”


“You’re not living out love because your life will be better if you do. You’re living out love because life will be better for everybody else if you do. Does this principle have implications for how we live during an election season? during a pandemic? during a period of racial strife? You bet it does. - Dan Olinger
