Whataboutism Is a Mark of Foolishness


“The Capitol insurrection was horrifying enough as a spectacle of foolishness and symbol of civilizational decay. But another horrifying exhibit of foolishness has been the reactions to the event on social media. Namely, the widespread deployment of one of the laziest tactics to hit rhetoric since the ad hominem: whataboutism.” - TGC


Let Us Reason Together

For those who hoped that our experience of living in times of crisis might end with 2020, I do not need to tell you that your hopes have already been dashed.

We might consider the string of crises that date back to last March as separate events, or we might think of them as one multi-faceted whole. We might also discuss those who appear to have engineered them, manipulated them or benefited from them.


The Church Needs Prophets, But It Wants Lawyers


“American Christian culture is rife with congregants looking for lawyers, not prophets and not pastors. The church-shopping phenomenon puts us in churches that make us feel quite comfortable…. From all too many members of the congregation comes the cry, ‘Tell us what we want to hear!’” - French


Discernment in 2021: We Have Work to Do

Christians understand that they have a special relationship with truth. Our Savior described Himself as “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6) and declared that faithfulness to Him leads to soul-freeing truth (John 8:31-32). Both Old and New Testaments exalt insight into truth, as “wisdom” (e.g., Prov. 4:5-7, Matt. 10:16) and “discernment” (Phil. 1:9, Heb. 5:14). We worship the “God of truth” (Deut. 32:4, Psa. 31:5, Isa. 65:16), and are called to be lights of truth in the world (Phil. 2:15).

But we’re only human.


Ann Griffiths and Her Sea of Wonders


“The word ‘wonder’ appears, in various forms, numerous times in Ann’s writings. Her joy came in knowing that the sea of wonders where she intended to spend her life would continue beyond this earthly state, ‘with never a sight of a boundary or shore.’” - Ref21


Overcoming Paralysing Fear – with Fear!


“All these circumstances are fear-filled. That’s because we live in a fallen and broken world – a sin-stained world not as it should be. Our fearful response is what the Puritan John Flavel called ‘natural fear,’ an emotion even our Savior felt as He anticipated the horrors of the cross before Him.” - Christina Fox
