7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 3

Read the series.

Number 3: Giftedness. You can’t do everything, but you can do something. Do what you can.

A consequence of providence is that God has directed in your life as well as in the life of the planet. Your conception, birth, and life circumstances are not random or accidental; they are purposeful, and better yet, those purposes come from a good and great person, whose interest in you is entirely benevolent.


The Political Sermons We Need in 2024


“How do we ‘fear not’ during such fearful times? How do we not let the ‘sun go down’ on our political anger?… How do we love those we fear or hate?…How do we love those who fear or hate us?” - Providence


Start the Day Happy in God


“Some of us are gaunt, frail Christians because we’ve learned, like our world, to cater to the whims of our own fickle hearts rather than direct them and determine to reshape them.” - Desiring God


7 Stabilizing Principles in a Chaotic World, Part 1

(Editor’s note: Written in 2018, but doesn’t seem to have lost any relevance!)

Many of my Christian friends are angry. Or afraid. Or both. At least, that’s the way it looks in their posts on social media.

And that’s too bad, for several reasons—


2024 and the Sure Foundation for Your Times


“The LORD will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure. (Isaiah 33:6)” - Geiger


Johannes Kepler, Thinking God’s Thoughts After Him


“Kepler’s work was motivated by his Christian faith. He believed that since God is rational, the universe must be as well. Because humans are made in God’s image, we can, as he said, ‘think God’s thoughts after Him.’” - Breakpoint
