The Power of the Ordinary Moments


“God doesn’t necessarily flaunt Himself in the big, grand events of the day, but He is working, and dare we say hiding, in the mundane and ordinary aspects of our lives.” - Skylar Spradlin


Does the Bible Command Daily Devotions?


“…from where do we get this idea of a time of daily worship, which consists mainly in Bible reading and prayer? The answer is that the practice is implied in a number of Scriptures.” - TGC


Integrity Matters, Part 2: Case Study


“What would you do for recognition? What would you do to have fellow believers think well of you? If you’d do something God forbids, then you’ve made yourself into an idol that you worship. Can you think of anything more ridiculous?” - Olinger


Friendship: The Foundation of Paul’s Global Ministry


“Consider how often Paul says something like: ‘I thank my God always when I remember you, because I hear of your love for all the saints’ …. in nearly every letter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, he devotes space to greeting specific believers” - 9 Marks


Are Conservative Christians at War With the Left? (Part 2)

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (ESV, 1 Tim 6:12)

The Bible frequently describes Christian living as a war. It also calls us to “stand” under attack (Eph 6:10-19). But does it call us to defend our liberties, oppose cultural change, or save our nation from decline?


Are Conservative Christians at War With the Left? (Part 1)

By all indications, conservative Christians have strife and conflict on their minds these days. But do we understand what sort of war we’re in, who the enemy is, and how we’re supposed to fight?

I’d love to do some man-on-the street interviews at a conservative evangelical event and ask, “Who or what are Christians at war with?” Answers would probably include “the world,” and “the devil.” Someone might quip, “one another!”

I suspect many would say “the Left,” and many who said “the world” would have the Left in mind.
