A Biblical Theology of Pleasure


“God invented taste buds, and 10 million different flavors to go with them. The incredible pleasure of taste bears witness both that God is and that he is good (Acts 14:17).” - TGC


Does Your Prayer Life Need to Change?

Reposted from Rooted Thinking.

I would guess that almost every Christians reading this sentence would like to have a deeper prayer life.

As we read God’s Word, we see that prayer is a crucial part of our Christian experience. It is not simply an event that we participate in, an exercise we accomplish, or a task we fulfill. Rather, prayer is humility before God. It is an expression of our faith in Him and in the veracity of His promises.


5 Lies I Believed About Work


“Lie #3: Full-time ministry is the only work that serves God. I struggled finding my calling in work for a while because I believed the false dichotomy that said I couldn’t serve God while working a ‘normal job.’” - Kevin Halloran


Not Helpless in the Ruins: Trusting God Among the Chaos

Stay in China. This inexplicable message came from the London Missionary Society (L.M.S.) to Eric Liddell in late February of 1941.1 He, his pregnant wife Flo, and their young two daughters had just evacuated Xiaochang in the Hubei Province to Tianjin on the northern coast. The Japanese army had wrecked havoc on the countryside. Helpless Chinese peasants lay in their wake. Liddell had seen their corpses and rescued a man laying among them who somehow had survived near decapitation.


Recovering the Priority of Personal Holiness


“…what gave John Owen success in ministry was not so much his oratory skill, nor his evangelistic zeal, nor even his love for the people he shepherded. John Owen was used mightily by God in all these ways because he was a man characterized by personal holiness.” - Alistair Begg


No Taste or Smell


“Not having taste or smell has been one of the strangest experiences of my life. I had no symptoms of Covid until I couldn’t smell garlic bread! ….How many of us have lost our ‘taste and desire’ for God’s Word?” - Treg Spicer

HT: Proclaim & Defend


Why Do We Add to Our Trouble?


“We are so often drawn to bad news more than good, to evidences of depravity more than evidences of grace. Why then should we be surprised that our feet grow heavy, that our pace begins to falter?” - Challies


Thy Word Is Not a MagLite


“David’s lamp was sufficient to see a couple of steps ahead, but not much farther than that. It did not illuminate the whole way his feet would have to tread, but only the next few footfalls.” - Challies


“Looking forward to stuff is what we do.”


“We’re expectant people always looking forward to what’s next. But this is one area we’re not expectant enough. We see hurt and wronging. The goings-on around us concern us. What we see can discourage us. But if your response is to complain or rant, you’ve missed the point. If it’s worth crying out over, your response should be persistent prayer.” - P&D
