What Am I Eager For?

Christian living isn’t just having your heart in the right place, but it isn’t less than that. Given that our hearts are “prone to wander,” as the song says, we need multiple ways to conduct “heart checks” on ourselves.

One self-diagnostic is to examine what we’re eager for.

When I was a kid, I looked forward to Christmas every year with great eagerness. It was an accurate reflection of where my heart was!


Help! I’m Worried I Can’t Finish My Work in Time


“only God accomplishes everything he sets out to do. He’s the only one with the wisdom and power to complete his work according to his plan and in his intended timing.” - TGC


Screen Sabbaths: A Modest Proposal for a Digital World


“if Christians are going to heed the summons of Romans 12:2 in a smartphone age…we will need to do more than resist the false content on our phones. We will need to resist the false gravitational presence our phones so subtly exert upon us.” - Desiring God
