Screen Sabbaths: A Modest Proposal for a Digital World


“if Christians are going to heed the summons of Romans 12:2 in a smartphone age…we will need to do more than resist the false content on our phones. We will need to resist the false gravitational presence our phones so subtly exert upon us.” - Desiring God


Pornography: A Spiritual Pandemic


“One of the books I require the seminary men to read … is More Than a Battle: How to Experience Victory, Freedom, and Healing from Lust by our school’s president, Dr. Joe Rigney. The wise advice in that book is a gift for … those who are struggling with pornography and those who want to help.” - Andy Naselli


How Idolatry Works


“We always obey that which we desire the most. When we desire something more than we desire God, we will obey that something if ever and whenever we are faced with a choice to obey God or to obey it.” - Scott Sauls


It’s back—the question of Christians and Halloween


“It’s easy to see who puts more effort into their Halloween candy, and Christians can be intentional in creating memorable tables and gift bags with Scripture, gospel tracts, or invites to church interspersed among Twix bars and Starbursts.” - World



Seek Wisdom in the Age of Algorithms


“So how do we order our lives for God’s glory and our neighbor’s good in an age of algorithmic flattery? Here are seven considerations.” - TGC


Healthy Distrust of Self


“Paul was not self-focused; he didn’t spend his days beating himself up mentally for his failures and shortcomings. But he did have a healthy distrust of his own inclinations, and he saw to it that the circumstantial doors to those inclinations were kept closed.” - Olinger


The Theology of Sleep


“Most of our time is in the workplace, and the second highest lump of time is spent sleeping. One-third of our lives! ….The Bible does have something to say about what we do with one-third of our life in this regard, but we don’t hear messages about this.” - TIFWE
