Are Christians supposed to be happy?


“some Christians, in the name of moral obligation, wear frowns, dutifully living a paint-by-the-numbers religious existence, and proudly refraining from what ‘lesser’ people do to be happy. They seem to wear their displeasure as a badge of honor.” - Randy Alcorn


Leave the Throne of Guilt: Three Better Reasons to Pray


“Calloused knees. Prayer closet. Answered prayers. Prayer warrior. These four phrases don’t exactly trigger me with spiritual PTSD, but they do represent markers in my journey of moving from prayer-guilt into the grace of praying.” - Desiring God


Rest Takes Work


“My planning had gone as far as to block the time off but not as far as to figure out what I would do instead. I freed up a solid 40 hours between 9 and 5, but didn’t put anything in its place.” - Challies


Taking Advantage or Caring?

(First posted in 2011)

Aesop told the tale of the Peasant and the Apple Tree.


Unstable World, Stable God, Part 10: Victory


“Many of them are awash in messy lives, as I was, but they illogically and absurdly blame God for the mess, even though it’s traceable directly to decisions they have made.” - Olinger
