On 2 Corinthians 1:8 – “We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength.”


“When we’re overwhelmed––perhaps by many changes, or by one major change with seismic effects––Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 1:8 will resonate with us: ‘We were so utterly burdened beyond our strength.’ What an apt description of a full load and a heavy heart: utterly burdened.” - TGC


“...we simply don’t know who we truly are until we’re tested.”


“If I had to summarize the last four years in a single phrase, it would be simple—it’s been a time of testing. This time of testing has broken us and divided us. It’s divided us between those who are honest and those who lie, the cruel and the kind, the principled and the hypocrites, between the courageous and the cowardly…. this is not a matter of left and right—or of Trump and anti-Trump.” - David French


11 Ways I Am Reducing the Downside of Using Social Media


“4. Read more books. In her book iGen, Jean Twenge shows research that reading of books and long-form articles is dropping significantly ….Jennifer Lyell used to say something like, ‘we need weighty content that is developed and designed for more than consumption at a stop light.’” - C.Leaders


How to Keep the Heart

A Sermon Delivered on Sunday Evening, February 21, 1858, by Pastor C. H. Spurgeon, at New Park Street Chapel, Southwark.

“The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7


The Problem with Coveting


“According to the New Testament, ‘covetousness…is idolatry’ (Col 3:5). Thus, the last commandment(s) connect to the first commandment(s). They both forbid idolatry, one from the aspect of God, and the other from the aspect of our neighbor. The Ten Commandments come full circle!” - Veith


Can You Do ALL Things?


“Knowing the context, to what does “all things” refer? Does it refer to anything at all? Does it mean that you can climb a mountain on an extreme wilderness hike? Does it mean that you can win a football game if you pray beforehand? Does it mean that you can pass your exam at school? Does it mean that you can go to work and exceed the sales goals at work because you claimed this promise by faith?


Where Must Faith Always Look

Where Must Faith Always Look? I’m sure we all know that the answer is Christ – at least we ought to! I know, but I’m afraid I don’t always live it. I need constant reminders. So this isn’t me sermonizing (I’m unqualified); it’s a confession of my failing, and a passing on of a message from someone else…


How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?


“Although every believer must filter their outlook through Scripture, all believers come to the table with different upbringings and lived experiences. This is none more evident than in the world of politics.
