The Problem with Coveting


“According to the New Testament, ‘covetousness…is idolatry’ (Col 3:5). Thus, the last commandment(s) connect to the first commandment(s). They both forbid idolatry, one from the aspect of God, and the other from the aspect of our neighbor. The Ten Commandments come full circle!” - Veith


Can You Do ALL Things?


“Knowing the context, to what does “all things” refer? Does it refer to anything at all? Does it mean that you can climb a mountain on an extreme wilderness hike? Does it mean that you can win a football game if you pray beforehand? Does it mean that you can pass your exam at school? Does it mean that you can go to work and exceed the sales goals at work because you claimed this promise by faith?


Where Must Faith Always Look

Where Must Faith Always Look? I’m sure we all know that the answer is Christ – at least we ought to! I know, but I’m afraid I don’t always live it. I need constant reminders. So this isn’t me sermonizing (I’m unqualified); it’s a confession of my failing, and a passing on of a message from someone else…


How Can I Love Church Members with Different Politics?


“Although every believer must filter their outlook through Scripture, all believers come to the table with different upbringings and lived experiences. This is none more evident than in the world of politics.


From the Archives – Good and Angry

They may not be many in number, but they do exist: Christians who are thoroughly confused about anger. During counseling, reading, and sermon-listening, four myths have come to my attention repeatedly. Here’s a brief, non-expert—but hopefully thought-provoking—response.


How to Have That Hard Conversation


“Before we get into the theological aspects of hard conversations, remember this: if at all possible, have the conversation in person and in private. When discussing embarrassing, frustrating, or painful topics, it’s important to convey not only the right tone of voice, but also the right body language.” - TGC


From the Archives: Should We Suffer Fools Gladly?

Just about everybody complains about the quality of discourse on the Internet. In my experience, it isn’t much worse than the quality of discourse most other places—with one important exception. Foolishness of the verbal variety has always required cheap and easy forms of communication in order to really thrive. The talk of fools is not merely ignorant but impulsive, spontaneous. So, for centuries, the cost of publishing has been a mitigating factor, filtering much of the worst sort of foolishness out of the world of the written word.


From the Archives: Fulfilling God's Law by Walking in the Spirit

The God of the Bible is presented without apology as a law-issuing God who expects us to be law-keeping people. God does not ask permission to assert Himself as the arbiter of human ethics (Gen. 2:15-17). He determines for His creatures the standard of right and wrong and we are duty-bound to know His commandments and honor them.
