Why One Presbyterian Appreciates a Baptist Systematic Theology


Review of Stephen J. Wellum’s ‘Systematic Theology’ – “Healthy theology involves both reading Scripture and thinking about how to follow it. Therefore, Wellum refuses the false choice sometimes posed between biblical theology and systematic theology.” - TGC


‘A More Sure Word’: A Critical Review


R.B. Oullette is the author of what I consider to be the best and most influential popular-level defense of the King-James-Only position…. I believe R.B. Ouellette made a sincere effort to write it with a gracious spirit.” - Mark Ward


The Life of Peter: New Book from Derek Thomas


“Peter’s story is relatable to everyone who seeks to follow Christ in faith. And this new book beautifully shows how the grace of God transforms and sanctifies His people on this lifelong journey.” - Ligonier
