Hopeful Living in a Weary World


Colin Hansen talks with Irwyn Ince, author of Hope Ain’t a Hustle: Persevering by Faith in a Wearying World (IVP). - TGC


Book Review: Why Aren’t Americans Having Children?


“Ultimately, Carney concludes, our society does not have enough children because it does not believe that having children is good—because, in turn, it does not believe that people are good. We have lost our connection with the fundamental principle that life, and thus the creation of more life, is of positive moral and emotional value.” - Current


Author explores making theology accessible for every person


“You don’t have to go to seminary to be a theologian. You have to hear the Word of God and respond to it with faith. If we’re going to love God, worship God and obey God, we need to know who He is, who we are in relation to God and how that relationship works.” - The Baptist Paper
