Book Review – ‘Dispensationalism Revisited,’ edited by Bauder & Compton (Part 1)
A review of Dispensationalism Revisited: A Twenty-First Century Restatement,* edited by Kevin T. Bauder & R. Bruce Compton, Plymouth, MN, Central Seminary Press, 2023, 294 pages, paperback.
This book was written to commemorate the life and teaching of Charles A. Hauser, Jr, a man who did not have a high profile ministry but who had a big impact through his faithful service to the Lord, and the tributes at the back of the book are not to be missed.
Reflections on Revolutions: A Review of Zakaria's “Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present”
“For decades, the dividing line between left and right was economic in nature; conservatives wanted tax cuts, deregulation, and a smaller federal government….The divide now concerns the ‘open’ versus ‘closed’ societies where moral and ideational issues are more determinant of a person’s vote than tax cuts and spending.” - L&L
Respond to Conflict like Francis Schaeffer
“As Christians, how can we learn to disagree well, especially with other Christians? In 1970, Francis Schaeffer, one of the most astute apologists of the 20th century, published The Mark of the Christian.” - TGC
Book Review: Why Do Protestants Convert to Roman Catholicism?
“The authors conclude with a call to action: ‘American Protestantism needs to take a hard look in the mirror and ask itself why it has fallen so far from offering meaningful structures of authority, authentic experiences of holiness, and the kind of cultural leadership and intellectual sophistication that attracts the best and the brightest.’” -
Book Review – David Brooks’ How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen
“David writes, ‘As a society, we have failed to teach the skills and cultivate the inclination to treat each other with kindness, generosity, and respect.’” - TGC
A Review of Keith E. Durso’s ‘Thy Will Be Done: A Biography of George W. Truett’
Thy Will Be Done: A Biography of George W. Truett* by Keith E. Durso. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 2009. 377 pp., hardback.
10 Grievances about Study Bibles (& Which Are Best)
“Sure, a Bible may sell well if the celebrity whose name is on the cover has a large following. But I much prefer a study Bible with contributions from a team of scholars with diverse expertise.” - Word by Word
A Review of D. Brent Sandy’s ‘Hear the Word of the Lord: What We Miss When We Only Read the Bible’
“Given that fact, and given the fact that Sandy’s book failed to give even one new insight into Scripture that is traceable to the recovering of orality, I felt safe to conclude that I was reading a good exponent of poor ideas.” - Mark Ward