The Complicated History of Evangelicals & Slavery
“Sean McGever’s Ownership: The Evangelical Legacy of Slavery in Edwards, Wesley, and Whitefield seeks to shed light on this complex subject, focusing on three of American evangelicalism’s three most influential figures” - Providence
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Given how uncomfortable some people can be with the history of slavery and race in America, Ownership will be a difficult read for many in the evangelical church. But, amidst the glut of books that delight in highlighting the church’s failures and using its history to silence evangelicals, McGever’s work is definitely refreshing. He does not write as an activist hoping to destroy the legacies of figures like Edwards, Wesley, and Whitefield, nor does he seek to minimize their shortcomings. Instead, McGever is committed to telling the whole truth about these so-called heroes of faith and the fallen world they inhabited.
And a link to the book (Affiliate link: purchases help fund Sharper Iron)
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