Points of Failure - Another Look at the BJU GRACE Report
A bad idea is one thing. Flawed execution of a good idea is something else. Thomas Edison is said to have botched the execution of the light-bulb concept about a thousand times before he got it right. Today, we’ve decided that the incandescent light bulb is not such a great idea anymore. But does anyone think that the general concept of converting electrical energy into light is a bad idea?
An Evaluation of the BJU GRACE Report
“Have you ever told your father that you love him?”
When the gray-haired, glasses-wearing lady sitting across the table from me in the Bob Jones University (BJU) Dining Common spoke these words to me after I had asked her to pray for my dad’s salvation, I felt like jumping across the table and choking her! How dare she expect me to speak such words to the man who had neglected me and treated my mother with such contempt!
Dr. Sam Horn Hired by Bob Jones University
Dr. Sam Horn Hired by Bob Jones University
“On Wednesday, October 1, 2014, Dr. Sam Horn informed the board of trustees that he accepted Dr. Steve Pettit’s invitation to serve as Vice President of Ministerial Advancement as well as the Dean of the Seminary and School of Religion at Bob Jones University beginning in January, 2015.”
Steve Pettit: Alumni Town Hall
Video: Steve Pettit: Alumni Town Hall
Topics: Steve Pettit discusses accreditation at BJU as well as Northland, music, modesty, and other issues