Iowa Association Holds Its Annual Conference Online


“The Iowa Association of Regular Baptist Churches held its annual conference online April 21, both prerecording sessions and offering videoconferencing of others from Community Baptist Church.” - GARBC


Arkansas Baptists seek dismissal of sexual abuse lawsuit


Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC): “Plaintiff Fields incorrectly claims that the ABSC was in control of the church and the pastor and therefore should have known about and prevented the alleged abuse. … The ABSC denies ever exercising any control over Millcreek or any other Arkansas Baptist church.


GARBC has scheduled a time of prayer on Facebook for March 19, 1:30 PM Central


“As our nation grapples with the Coronavirus disease, we will be going Facebook Live on our GARBC facebook page this Thursday, March 19, 1:30 p.m.(CT), for a special time of prayer. Join National Representative Mike Hess and ministry colleagues as we pray together for the following requests…” - GARBC


A Second Conservative Resurgence in the SBC?


“Nearly two decades later, a new group of SBC pastors and laymen are calling for a second conservative resurgence. What’s this all about? Well … here is the short story. What are the critical issues you need to know?


GARBC National Representative Candidate Named


“The National Representative Search Committee unanimously recommended Mike [Hess] to the Council of Eighteen for consideration. On Feb. 20, 2018, the council met in Chicago to interview Mike… .
