FBFI 100th Annual Meeting Report


“The fellowship organizers chose I Chronicles 12:32 as the theme verse – ‘And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment.’” - P&D


SBC Executive Committee will undergo independent review


SBC Executive Committee President and CEO Ronnie Floyd announced Friday (June 11) that the Executive Committee has secured Guidepost Solutions for an independent review of its handling of sexual abuse issues.” - BPNews


The unofficial Voices irreverent guide to #SBC21


“The SBC Annual Meeting will be off with a gavel slam in 15 days. I’ll be there along with around 15,000 other messengers, guests, media, and protesters… This is the unofficial SBC Voices guide to the Annual Meeting. Unofficial because I couldn’t get the other guys to sign on to it.


Still no report from the ERLC study task force


“The SBC Executive Committee voted back in February to form a study task force to “review the past and present activities” of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). It was reported at the time that the task force would report back to the Executive Committee by September. ” - SBC Voices


GARBC has updated its purpose statement and article of faith on creation and gender


“During the business meeting on Monday, voting messengers approved an update to the GARBC’s official Purpose Statement. …The messengers also approved an expansion to the association’s official doctrinal position on Creation (Article of Faith V) to address the issue of human gender more explicitly.” - GARBC


The Long History of Baptists and Division


“There is nothing inherently wrong in disagreement, or even in dividing into groups over those divisions. The danger comes when we are not honest in our actions and transparent about our motives.” - SBC Voices


“America is not the new Israel, chosen by God.”


“There’s nothing wrong with patriotism – the Bible never opposes the concept of national borders – but our citizenship is in heaven and if we forget that, patriotism can easily become idolatry.” - SBC Voices
