Barber says sexual abuse hotline worth the cost
“Barber allowed that the hotline is expensive but countered the high costs by suggesting that it would cost more in the long run if Southern Baptists do nothing to address sexual abuse.” - BPNews
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Barber allowed that the hotline is expensive but countered the high costs by suggesting that it would cost more in the long run if Southern Baptists do nothing to address sexual abuse.” - BPNews
“Doug Crawford is now executive ministry director. …The MARBC is now called Bridge Fellowship.” - GARBC
“Although we did not reach a moment in Anaheim where the messengers were able to vote on these questions, as far as it lies within our authority to do so, we are committed to letting these questions come before the messengers at our 2023 Annual Meeting” - BPNews
Signing an open letter from Pastor Mike Law of Arlington (VA) Baptist Church, “[m]ore than 700 Southern Baptist pastors are calling on the Southern Baptist Convention to prohibit women from serving “as a pastor of any kind” at SBC-affiliated churches.” - CPost
“The home office of Regular Baptist Ministries, including the GARBC, has been located in Arlington Heights, Illinois, since 2015. In a time when the commercial real estate market is experiencing an abundance of available properties for sale, we received a full-price cash offer for our office.” - GARBC
“Regular Baptist Ministries staff members Mark Johnson and Kerry Watkins spent a day at Corban University, planning for the 2023 GARBC Conference that will be held there June 26–29.” - GARBC
“Church leaders and members enjoyed all these and more during the 2022 GARBC Conference June 27–30 in Grand Rapids.” - GARBC
“I’m a thirty-year-old assistant pastor, so why did I become an FBFI member? Several factors persuaded me to become a member.” - P&D
“The work of a yet-to-be-appointed Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force (ARITF) is likely to take years, with an initial report ordered to be given at the 2023 Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in New Orleans next June.” - BPNews
“Now, abuse survivors and Southern Baptists leaders wait to see whether the momentum and historic stances will result in meaningful change in the nation’s largest Protestant denomination.” - C.Today