Barber says sexual abuse hotline worth the cost


“Barber allowed that the hotline is expensive but countered the high costs by suggesting that it would cost more in the long run if Southern Baptists do nothing to address sexual abuse.” - BPNews


GARBC and Regular Baptist Ministries Is Moving


“The home office of Regular Baptist Ministries, including the GARBC, has been located in Arlington Heights, Illinois, since 2015. In a time when the commercial real estate market is experiencing an abundance of available properties for sale, we received a full-price cash offer for our office.” - GARBC


Planning Underway for 2023 GARBC Conference


“Regular Baptist Ministries staff members Mark Johnson and Kerry Watkins spent a day at Corban University, planning for the 2023 GARBC Conference that will be held there June 26–29.” - GARBC
