How to Lead a Baptist Network


“Get a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to lead and shepherd the GARBC from the men who know it best. This interview features David Strope, GARBC interim national representative, and Clare Jewell, current GARBC national representative.” - GARBC


Ministry Workers Attend Refine Conference


“The Baptist Network Northwest partnered with Corban University to host the fellowship’s Refine Conference. Nearly 100 ministry workers attended the two-day event.” - RBM


A New Frontline Is Out: A Future for Israel


“The articles in this issue center around what the Bible says about God’s future for Israel. Though many in the past have tried to connect prophecies in the Bible to world events in the modern period, the articles in this issue of FrontLine do not attempt to do so.” - P&D


A Report from the 2024 FBFI Annual Conference


“The whole feel of the conference is more than merely listening to the audio of the messages, good as they were. There were various workshops provided, but more importantly tremendous fellowship to be had as those of us able to attend interacted with one another, met old friends, and made new ones. God blessed our time together.” - Don Johnson


SBC 'Law Amendment' Fails to Reach 2/3 Vote


“The Wednesday (June 12) vote, 61.45% in favor and 38.38% against, did not receive the two-thirds tally required during the second day of the two-day annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. A total of 8,284 messengers, or delegates, voted.” - RNS


A perspective on the proposed SBC amendment regarding women in pastoral ministry


“If the issue is the title, then churches with women called ‘pastors’ can come into compliance by simply changing their title… If the issue is function, then the SBC Credentials Committee must investigate job descriptions, church governing documents, work records and personnel policies of local churches to determine if a woman is functioning as a pastor.” -
