More Americans are dying at home. Notice the change pastor?


“Things have changed over the decades and I read that more Americans are dying at home than in the hospital, according to a recent study. The figures are 30.7% at home, 29.8% at a hospital, around 20% at a nursing home or other institution.” - SBC Voices


Muhammad breaks into top 10 US baby names list in 2019


“For the first time, the name Muhammad has cracked the top 10 list of most popular baby names for newborn boys in the U.S., according to a parenting website that tracks the popularity of names among its users.” - RNS


9 Things You Should Know About Cohabitation in America


“Almost all of the increase in non-marital births in the United States since 1980 has taken place in the context of cohabiting unions. Most adults ages 18 to 44 who are presently cohabitating are also living with children.” - TGC


Should social media companies be treated like publishers and broadcasters?


“A large newspaper can easily control their own writers and contributors. So, too, can a cable news channel or a network. But there is no practical way that a social media platform can exercise meaningful supervision over the material that billions of people could potentially share.” - Acton


Two Incompatible & Mutually Hostile Worldviews


“I’m not sure these researchers fully engage [the worldview concept] and the complexity that often arises. For example, is morality based on a transcendent absolute or do we make it up for ourselves? OK, we can see that social conservatives believe the former, while social liberals believe the latter. But…” - Gene Veith


'Golden Rule 2020': Churches pray for civility in presidential election


“Known as ‘Golden Rule 2020: A Call for Dignity and Respect in Politics,’ the prayer campaign [began November 3], as it marks exactly one year before the election. Golden Rule 2020 was part of the Revive Civility project, which is overseen by the University of Arizona’s National Institute for Civil Discourse.” - Christian Post
