Is America More Religious Than Popular Opinion Indicates?


On Religion Is Dying? Don’t Believe It by Byron R. Johnson and Jeff Levin: “The two authors, along with Matt Bradshaw and Rodney Stark, provide some fascinating, if not convincing, research that suggests religious institutions, particularly inclusive of Christian congregations, are thriving.” - Church Answers


A Just-the-Facts Glimpse Into the State of the American Family


“The EPPC Family Almanac offers 83 little glimpses into what American families look like, and the circumstances they face. As more and more red-blooded populists and well-credentialed eggheads start developing ideas for family policy, these facts and figures are ready to help make sure the discussion is grounded in reality.” - IFS


The Rise and Fall of ‘WWJD’ Merch


“In the ’90s, WWJD merch appeared on everyone from Christian teens to their non-Christian friends to athletes to pop stars to politicians. Here is the story of how it happened.” - Relevant
