"North Dakota has signed a new law prohibiting some abortions as soon as six weeks."


The New York Times reports that the measure, which is scheduled to take effect in August, will “ban nearly all abortions,” including “abortion once a fetal heartbeat is ‘detectable,’ which can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.” In addition, the law also would ban sex-selective abortions and abortions based on genetic defects, such as Down Syndrome.


"In favor of all life"


Conversation with a PETA demonstrator protesting fried chicken: “ ‘Well you had sure better be pro-life! Are you?’ She fumbled around a bit and said she was in favor of all life. I rephrased it to clarify that I meant specifically babies in the womb. She got angry, and the guy who was with here laughed at her. The light changed, and off we went.”
