The Real War on Women


I was thinking about this the other day, pondering how it’s possible that both the president of the United States and the House of Representatives support sex-selection abortion.

I was thinking about how it’s possible that not only could they support such a thing, but how the news cycle could move on so quickly from something so tragic.


Dr. James Dobson insists he will not ‘bow before’ Obama’s ‘wicked’ abortion mandate


Renowned evangelical leader Dr. James Dobson has joined the chorus of religious leaders opposing Obama’s new healthcare plan, insisting that he will “not bow before” the President’s “wicked regulation.” “I WILL NOT pay the surcharge for abortion services,” Dobson declares in a new column for WorldNetDaily. “So come and get me if you must, Mr. President.


Gallup: "Pro-Choice" Americans at Record Low


“One-half of all Americans identify as ‘pro-life’ on abortion, according to a new Gallup poll. Forty-one percent consider themselves ‘pro-choice.’” Report


The New Scar on My Soul


But let nobody fool you. It is not painless for the child, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Abortion is not an excision of a featureless bunch of cells; it is infanticide. We have revived the practice of child sacrifice to the new deities of casual sex and convenience.


The Army Silenced Chaplains Last Sunday


On Thursday, January 26, Archbishop Broglio emailed a pastoral letter to Catholic military chaplains with instructions that it be read from the pulpit at Sunday Masses the following weekend in all military chapels… The Army’s Office of the Chief of Chaplains subsequently sent an email to senior chaplains advising them that the Archbishop’s letter was not coordinated with that office and asked that it not be read from the pulpit.
