“The statement’s unexpected publication on the first day of the event [last year] and last-minute edits to sections related to homosexuality triggered controversy among participants who felt they did not have any opportunity to shape the document, which would remain as a historic statement from the Congress.” - CPost
IVF regulations a ‘wild, wild west’
“Evangelical ethicists are urging policymakers to tap the brakes on in vitro fertilization (IVF) expansion despite an executive order by President Donald Trump and widespread enthusiasm for the practice.” - Baptist Press
An Agnostic’s Journey to Faith
“Sanger’s full story is worth reading. It is that of a highly intelligent man coming to terms with Truth after years of wandering through academia, famously penning skeptical blogs and essays about morality, good, evil, the West, and God.” - Breakpoint
Our Calling Is to “Walk Worthy,” Not to Get Results
As humans, we have a strong bias toward the practical. It makes sense. Even before the Fall, Adam was given responsibilities that required problem-solving, outcome-oriented, cause-and-effect thinking.
Naming the animals was a puzzle to solve (Gen 2:19-20). How do you name them all without using names twice? How do you name them in a way that is orderly? You don’t have to be Linnaeus to notice that the characteristics of animals follow patterns. Adam would have had some interest in categorizing animals as he named them, and that would have required problem-solving thought.
The Bible as Story (Part 1)
“Given how fundamental and universal the concept of story is, it seems remarkable that the nearly universal emphasis on viewing Scripture as a storyline is a relatively recent development in biblical theological studies. And yet the basic idea has actually been around for a long time.” - Theology in 3D
Don’t Do Anything! Figuring Out What Makes My Brother Stumble (Romans 14:21)
“My question for the moment is this—besides meat, drink, and days, what else might we include in the word ‘anything’ when Paul says, ‘It is good not to… do anything that causes your brother to stumble’ (Rom 14:21)?” - P&D
Work and the Meaning of Life
“Christians should look at work as part of our created purpose, not just as toil.” - Breakpoint
Pew: Decline of Christianity in the U.S. Has Slowed, May Have Leveled Off
“…for the last five years, between 2019 and 2024, the Christian share of the adult population has been relatively stable, hovering between 60% and 64%.” - Pew
Pope Francis has respiratory crisis, currently on ventilation
“Pope Francis suffered a respiratory spasm that led to a sudden worsening of his condition, doctors said on Friday (Feb. 28), after two days of improved reports on the pope’s health.” - RNS
Before the Dark Times
This is a series of brief devotional articles on The Orthodox Catechism (“OC”), a Particular Baptist document written by Baptist pastor Hercules Collins in 1680. Read the series.
We aren’t supposed to be the way we are. That’s a fact that unbelievers often misunderstand about the Christian story. They ask, “If God is so good, then why is there so much suffering?” Well, the answer is that everything is broken everywhere all at once. God made our first parents good, but now we’re all cracked in different ways. We aren’t the way God meant us to be.
Welcome One Another
“The Lord calls believers to love, forgive, and accept one another—precisely because He has loved, forgiven, and accepted us in Christ.” - Ligonier
'House of David' review: Visually stunning and spiritually rich series brings Old Testament to life
“With strong cinematography, solid performances and a focus on biblical accuracy, Prime Video’s ‘House of David’ is an ambitious mix of drama and historical storytelling, capturing the fall of King Saul and the simultaneous rise of David with the scope of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and the character depth of ‘The Chosen.’” - CPost
Lessons from Post-Soviet Russia for American Christians
“Perhaps Solzhenitsyn was right in his Harvard address, that the Communist East and the Capitalist West were fundamentally the same–deeply materialistic at their core. If this is true, then this resurgent interest in religiosity or spirituality is simply a thin veneer that, when scratched, reveals the same old materialism and secularism.” - Mere Orthodoxy
Who Are Evangelicals? "Twenty-three percent of Americans don’t all look, vote, or pray the same."
“The first group of people to claim evangelical as a noun was the Evangelical Voluntary Church Association in England in the 1830s…. In the US, 100 years later, the evangelist Billy Graham started using the word as a term for people who supported his ministry.” - C.Today
Connecting the Gospel to the Capitol
Although I have lived most of my life in the state of Wisconsin—and have lived less than 30 miles from the Wisconsin State Capitol for nearly 25 years—I had never visited Madison’s most iconic building.
That changed on Feb. 4, when, as an individual member of IFCA International, I participated in an event sponsored by the Wisconsin Family Council’s Church Ambassador Network. It was the IFCA Pastors’ Day at the Capitol.
“Somewhere deep inside, each one of us longs for more.”
“don’t resent that you serve God in a small arena. Don’t feel sorry for yourself that you write for a small audience or preach before a small congregation. Be honored that God lets you serve him at all and deploy what he’s given you for the good of others and the glory of God.” - Challies
Was the Bible Written by Humans?
“I’ve heard critics of biblical inerrancy say, ‘I believe the Bible was written by human beings, not God.’ This statement shows a fundamental ignorance of what people who affirm biblical inspiration and inerrancy actually believe.” - Randy Alcorn
Pew: “About two-thirds of U.S. adults support policies requiring transgender athletes to compete on teams that match the sex they were assigned at birth”
“At the same time, 56% of adults express support for policies aimed at protecting trans people from discrimination in jobs, housing and public spaces.” - Pew
At What Age Should a Pastor Retire? Ten Diagnostic Questions
“1. Are you physically and emotionally able to continue to lead at a high level?…2. Are you still highly motivated in your place of leadership?… 3. Are you a continuous learner? 4. Are you hanging on primarily for financial reasons?…” - Thom Rainer
Thoughts About Retirement
When is the right time for a pastor to retire? There clearly is no one size fits all answer to this question. There are too many variables, and each situation must be considered individually. More to the point, when’s the right time for this pastor to retire? I do have a few thoughts about that question.
5 Ways to Be Kind to Someone with Whom You Disagree
“When someone senses we have goodwill and respect for them, it enables them to lower their defenses and hear what we’re saying. Sincere kindness can therefore help us make progress in a disagreement.” - TGC
A Testimony of God’s Faithfulness: Five Years After the Crash
“This month marks five years since my family and I survived a plane crash. When landing, the plane skidded off the runway and down a steep incline, breaking in two before it ran into a concrete barrier that stopped it.” - 9 Marks
On Retiring
“It is enough, in the most positive sense of that clause. The Lord gives good gifts to his people, and he gives them abundantly. So what’s next? Don’t know. I’ve done some thinking about it, but I haven’t finalized my priorities yet.” - Dan Olinger
Five things pastors and evangelists should stop doing
“1. Stop saying, ‘Turn to your neighbor and say ____’. Your church members love you and won’t tell you this, so that’s why I’m here. It feels forced, awkward and very cheesy. Trust me, your church members hate it.” - Phil Cooke
The Latest Executive Order about IVF: Calling It Pro-life Does Not Make It So
“Through a series of videos on the topic in the What Would You Say? series, we contend that if life begins at conception, which has been a central pro-life talking point for decades, IVF as currently practiced needs far more regulation, not less.” - Breakpoint
A Congregation Is a Voting Body
“There are two key areas in which the biblical pattern is accountability to the congregation—the entire church body—and where decision-making is assigned to the entire church body…. in financial accountability and in church discipline.” - P&D
A Christian response to immigration
“Immigration, particularly unauthorized immigration, presents complex challenges. Our laws need compassion, clarity and enforcement…. Laws help maintain order and safety in a society. However, much of the rhetoric dominating conversations and social media is unproductive and divisive.” - Baptist Press
Should I Use AI to Help Me Write Sermons?
“Worship is not simply right thinking, which computers can do. Worship is right feeling about God. That’s really crucial, unless we begin to think that artificial intelligence can take the place of human beings in accomplishing the divine purpose in the universe.” - John Piper
Is the ESV a Calvinist Bible?
“It is the character of this channel to attempt to answer patiently charges that are clearly wrong, even ridiculous. Let us begin our discussion of Revelation 13:8.” - Mark Ward
Editor’s note: If you’re in a hurry, 3:40 is a good place to jump in.
On Winning the War, Part 2: The World
So we’re fighting a three-front war—something no one’s likely to win without divine power. Let’s take a look at the first enemy, the world.
I wrote some on this just a few posts ago, focusing primarily on definitional matters. Here I’d like to focus on how to fight so as to win. I think a key biblical source on this question is John’s first epistle.
The Right Family