Voddie Baucham Believes Watching ‘The Chosen’ Would Violate the Second Commandment
“When LeMaster asked if Baucham had seen ‘The Chosen,’ Baucham said, ‘No. 2CV, man. Second Commandment violation,’” against making images. - C.Leaders
I don't like the Chosen series, but I don't view it as a violation of God's law. The second commandment was written that we don't create an image in man't image and worship it as our God. God the father is a spirit and therefore has no transcended physical image. Anything would be an abomination to His image. Jesus was born a man and therefore became an image, one in the image of man. To depict Christ as a man, is exactly what Scripture depicts Him as, and what thousands of people saw Him and worship Him as during His ministry. We should not worship the TV series the Chosen or anything depicted in the movie (which I think some people come perilously close to), I don't see it as a violation of the 2nd Commandment.
While you could definitely argue from a traditional, Reformed perspective that making the Chosen is a 2CV, I think the argument that watching is one is a bit strained, any more than seeing an idol is a 2CV. There may be arguments by extension, but I'm otherwise unconvinced.
I've often noted, incidentally, that the Neopuritans can get a bit extreme here, censoring high art and the like.
“It is easier to look at paintings than to understand doctrine”.
It’s definitely an argument by extension but I personally agree. Not sure what a neo-puritan is but I don’t think I am one!