What Does It Mean to Take God’s Name in Vain? – Carmen Imes on Exodus 20:7
“Is it just about using God’s name irreverently, or is there more to it?….the historical, linguistic, and theological dimensions of this command, including how it relates to bearing God’s name as His people.” - Word by Word
Louisiana becomes 1st state requiring Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms
“The new law, signed Wednesday by Gov. Jeff Landry, will face immediate legal challenges.” - Axios
Louisiana to become 1st state requiring Ten Commandments be posted in schools
“Louisiana lawmakers gave the bill final approval Tuesday evening with a 79-16 vote in the state House of Representatives…. The law is likely to receive legal challenge.” - Axios
Voddie Baucham Believes Watching ‘The Chosen’ Would Violate the Second Commandment
“When LeMaster asked if Baucham had seen ‘The Chosen,’ Baucham said, ‘No. 2CV, man. Second Commandment violation,’” against making images. - C.Leaders
Law and Gospel: Looking at the Big Picture
The biblical teaching on “the law” and “the gospel” is massive. And contrary to what some may think, these concepts are fairly complex. They can’t be reduced to a plaque on the wall with the Ten Commandments or a paper tract with Four Easy Steps on how to become a Christian. Instead, law and gospel each have a fairly expansive range of meaning. Broadly considered, they overlap and are interrelated. More narrowly viewed, they’re distinct. In Part 1 of our study, I’d like to examine these concepts more broadly and show how they’re related.
The Problem with Coveting
“According to the New Testament, ‘covetousness…is idolatry’ (Col 3:5). Thus, the last commandment(s) connect to the first commandment(s). They both forbid idolatry, one from the aspect of God, and the other from the aspect of our neighbor. The Ten Commandments come full circle!” - Veith