Hebrew Inscription Found on Mt Ebal Tablet Predates Oldest Known Hebrew Inscriptions

“Epigraphic analysis of the data revealed a formulaic curse written in a proto-alphabetic script likely dating to Late Bronze Age that predates any previously known Hebrew inscription in Israel by at least 200 years.” - Jerusalem Post


This is a major find. It strikes at the very heart of Biblical criticism which views the formation of Israel as a band of Canaanites living in the Levant who gradually moved toward monotheism culminating in a written Scripture that was mostly written and assembled post exhilic. This was criticized by key people in higher Biblical criticism because it was too sensational and had not been peer reviewed. Seeing this in a peer reviewed journal supported by a fairly broad range of academics puts significant weight behind the find. If the second peer review confirms this next year, it will be a solid find that further solidifies the alignment of archaeology and the Bible.

Dittos on what David notes. On the light side, I don't think the writer had read James 3:10.

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.