What Did People Eat and Drink in Roman Palestine?


“…in the Mishnaic passage prescribing food for a woman separated from her husband, ‘wine was not included in the minimum diet … The Tosefta reports that a woman “has no claim for wine, for the wives of the poor do not drink wine.”’ Accordingly, wine seems to have been a more common drink among the wealthy.” - Biblical Archaeology Society


An Assyrian Genie in First Temple Jerusalem


“With a hole drilled through it, the seal was likely worn around the neck and served as both the personal seal and as a protective amulet of a local official….it may have originally been owned by a man named Hoshʼayahu, who held a senior position in the kingdom of Judah.” - Biblical Archaeology Review


Does a New Gospel Fragment Detail Jesus’ Childhood?


“If the reports are accurate, then this 1,600-year-old fragment would be our oldest copy of the Infancy Gospel of Thomas—not to be confused with the so-called Gospel of Thomas. Neither text deserves to be called a Gospel” - AiG


Tasting Roman Wine from the Time of Jesus


“Many other Roman-era techniques would have separated Roman wine in the time of Jesus from what we drink today, including natural fermentation. Additionally, while Roman wine could come in a wide range of colors, the Roman world lacked the modern distinction between red and white wines” - Biblical Archaeology


Alternative Facts: Domitian’s Persecution of Christians


“Despite a lack of evidence, Jones observes that the tradition concerning Domitian’s persecution persists: ‘From a frail, almost non-existent basis, it gradually developed and grew large.’ Thus the alternative facts sown by these ancient historians grew to a truism of Christian history.” - Biblical Archaeology Society


Review: The Magi in History and Tradition


“Vanden Eykel’s theory is based on exploring the range of meanings attached to the Greek word magoi, and the use of the term in ancient narratives.” - BAR
