“The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the doctrinal, theological, and historical hinge-pin of Christianity.”


“Anyone can claim anything, especially in the invisible and subjective and unverifiable spiritual realm….The Bible repeatedly anchors its credibility in verifiable historical events–purposeful references to specific places, people, reigns, and incidents still verifiable by historical records even outside the Bible.” - BJU Seminary Blog


3 Lines of Evidence for Jesus’s Resurrection


“Jesus Christ’s resurrection is at the very heart of historic Christianity. It is both a central doctrine and the central supporting evidence for the truth of the faith.” - Reasons


Understanding the Jewish Menorah


“The Jewish menorah—especially the Temple menorah, a seven-branched candelabra that stood in the Temple—is the most enduring and iconic Jewish symbol. But what did the Temple menorah actually look like?” - Biblical Archaeology Society


Why December 25?


The idea of Christ’s birth being on December 25 doesn’t fit Saturnalia (Dec 17-23) and predates Sol Invictus (AD 274). - P&D


What Really Happened at Plymouth


“Rather than falsely maligning that first Thanksgiving, we should look at it as a model of how things should have been and by God’s grace one day will be.” - Breakpoint


Making Thanksgiving Real (Part 2)

Read Part 1.

In our quest to make Thanksgiving real, we left off by thinking about ways to ground our Thanksgiving in Scripture, following the example of the very Pilgrims who left this treasure as a heritage to our entire nation. The next challenge I would offer is to ground our Thanksgiving in history—primarily the history of these same Pilgrims.


Why C.S. Lewis Remains Compelling


“This week marks the anniversary of both the birth (Nov. 29) and the death (Nov. 22) of C.S. Lewis, one of the most remarkable Christians of the last century.” - Breakpoint
