If the election were held today, who would you PROBABLY or definitely vote for in the presidential election?
It’s early, and a lot can change before November: scandals, deaths, new candidates, etc.
How would you probably or definitely vote if the election were today?
I am working hard to make it impossible to choose “other.” But, if you do, please let me know how you wormed out of one of these answers.
Poll Results
If the election were held today, who would you PROBABLY or definitely vote for in the presidential election?
Donald Trump Votes: 9
Other (I know some of you just have to choose this; it’s an addiction!) Votes: 1
A candidate from another party or independent not listed above Votes: 0
Eenie Meenie Miney Mo or some other chance choice Votes: 0
Hillary Clinton Votes: 0
Gary Johnson (Libertarian) Votes: 5
Darrell Castle (Constitution Party) Votes: 3
Write-in Votes: 4
I will vote for other offices, but not president Votes: 5
Not voting (by either choice or situation) Votes: 1
Not an American citizen or ineligible to vote Votes: 0
Unsure or undecided Votes: 3
Truthfully, I would not have guessed that we would get to a point where I can not, in good conscience, vote for either of the major political parties. I have plugged my nose and voted on more than one occasion, I can’t do that this time.
Consider Johnson/Weld. We do not agree with them on several moral issues (abortion/drugs), but a libertarian President would strive to return power to the states (contra Roe v. Wade), and would be in favor of eliminating federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Also, the Libertarian ticket is the only third party option that has a chance of making it into the debates.
I Hillary gets in, that decision against the Texas regulations of abortion clinics will look like nothing!
(Justice Kennedy was nominated by Ronald Reagan,and he was the swing vote in the recent abortion decision) No, Trump won’t fix the supreme court. He is fooling Republicans better than he fooled the “students” of “Trump University”.