Does your church allow its main board members (elders, deacons, overseers, whatever) to drink alcohol (in moderation)?

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Does your church allow its main board members (elders, deacons, overseers, whatever) to drink alcohol (in moderation)?

Yes Votes: 9
No, technically not, but some may rarely do so Votes: 1
No Votes: 16
Other Votes: 3

(Migrated poll)

0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 0


I’m a little late to the party. Had a lot going on the last several months.

To those above discussing Deuteronomy 14:26 -

The word is not actually strong drink, or beer. It is the Hebrew word Shekar. Like wine, it could refer to an unfermented or fermented drink. Shekar was made from fruit juice other than grape juice.…

And yes, the ancients could easily preserve and make unfermented wine.

David R. Brumbelow

[David R. Brumbelow]

I’m a little late to the party. Had a lot going on the last several months.

To those above discussing Deuteronomy 14:26 -

The word is not actually strong drink, or beer. It is the Hebrew word Shekar. Like wine, it could refer to an unfermented or fermented drink. Shekar was made from fruit juice other than grape juice.…

And yes, the ancients could easily preserve and make unfermented wine.

David R. Brumbelow

I find it interesting that no major translation agrees with you. Every one of them I can easily check interprets it as strong drink of some kind.