Erasing pro-life Christians of color


“A post-Dobbs narrative breezily associates all anti-abortion activism and policies with racism….Of course, pro-lifers know the truth is precisely the opposite. ” - RNS


Federal appeals court rejects ‘transgender mandate’


“The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans blocked Aug. 26 a Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rule that required doctors and hospitals to perform gender-transition procedures, as well as abortions.” - BPNews


Should We be Focused on Redeeming the Culture?


“The tenor of scriptural prophecy that tells us that God’s people will take the gospel effectively to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8), does not indicate that there will be gradual warming to God’s people as we move forward toward the Kingdom.” - Kevin Schaal


“Rise and fall of Fauci illustrates death of ‘expertise’”


“As members of the institutions both tout and hide behind their credentialism, their obviously ideological positions shred the public’s faith in their credentials. The rise and fall of Anthony Fauci is illustrative of this trend.” - CPost


State abortion bans continue to take effect; clinics decrease


“Laws took effect Thursday (Aug. 25) in Idaho, Tennessee and Texas to bring to 14 the number of states that have enacted prohibitions on either all abortions except those to protect the life of the mother or on those when a fetal heartbeat can be detected” - BPNews
