The Rise in Mobile Gambling Isn’t Good for Anyone


“The National Council on Problem Gambling found that 40 percent of people ages 18-44 gambled online last year, more than double the rate of those ages 45-54. A quarter of young people say they started gambling online more during the Covid pandemic.” - Relevant


Edmund Burke Can Still Inspire the American Right


“Edmund Burke was someone who believed that ‘he had a duty to the present and a duty to the future … a duty to liberty in policy and a duty to stability in polity.’ A modern American conservative movement that embodied these axioms would surely be one less wracked by the internecine conflicts that bedevil it today.” - Acton


It’s Time to Remember Tolkien


“Tolkien knew that the alternative, the grasp for ultimate power, meant that the contest between good and evil would be transformed into a contest between evils. The raw quest for power will corrupt all it touches.” - David French
