The Rise, Fall, and Rise of Faith-Based Poverty Work


“Bruce Pilbeam said the phrase ‘compassionate conservatism’ was mostly dead ‘thanks to its association with an administration that lost popularity in its second term even among conservatives.’ He concluded, though, that the concept at local levels will have an ‘enduring legacy.’ I agree.” - Acton


Christian unity, Internet, and ‘context collapse’


“The Internet leads to ‘context collapse.’ It places into a space that is intrinsically faceless and lacks geographic borders. That space generalizes language and thought, ignores the very real differences between people and places, and pushes us toward highly generic ways of speaking and thinking.” - 9 Marks


Pornography as a Spiritual AND Public Health Crisis


“What is interesting now is that the general culture is seeing the mental health damage that pornography brings…. Louisiana house passed this bill 96-1, the state senate 34-0, and a left-leaning governor… signed the law without argument.” - P&D
