New Atheism Is Dead. What’s the New New Atheism?


Alister McGrath: “…the world has moved on and has rather left the New Atheism behind…But that’s no cause for rejoicing, because we have new problems to worry about.” - CToday


Rich Men North of Richmond: The Trouble with Outrage Anthems


“…the view that your choices have a real impact on your life, tends to predict socioeconomic success. The opposite is also true: When someone views themselves as mainly a victim of things beyond their control, it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.” - Breakpoint


Images of the Image of God: Thoughts on ‘The Chosen’ Series


“Everyone knows reading the Harry Potter saga is infinitely better than watching the films. So also the Gospels of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a medium of communication, the show falls short of its goal….TV is not more influential than the written or spoken word.” - DBTS Blog


Mark Ward interviews author Samuel James regarding book ‘Digital Liturgies: Rediscovering Christian Wisdom in an Online Age’


James on civility: “Offline, if you open the door to someone else’s house, enter her living room, and start yelling at her, you may be arrested, and few people would feel sorry for you. But on the internet, starting arguments with total strangers, for no apparent reason, is normal. In fact, we almost expect it.” - By Faith We Understand


Gallup: K-12 Education Satisfaction in U.S. Ties Record Low


“All told, 35% of parents of K-12 students are ‘completely satisfied’ with their child’s education, 41% are ‘somewhat satisfied,’ 12% are ‘somewhat dissatisfied’ and 9% ‘completely dissatisfied.’” - Gallup
