Russia Confiscates $30.4 Million Property from Jehovah’s Witnesses


“[T]he Russian federation has seized the Jehovah’s Witness administrative center campus worth $30.4 million US dollars. The property has been transferred to the Federal State-funded institution Almazov National Medical Research of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation.” - WRN


Truce ends Jack Phillips' religious liberty battle


“In yesterday’s truce, the CCRC dropped its latest discrimination charge against Phillips, and Phillips in turn dropped a 2018 religious bias lawsuit against the commission” - BPNews


Why Did Evangelicals Flock to Trump? Existential Fear


“Counterintuitively, the fact that Trump is bellicose, bombastic, insulting, and lives according to a code at odds with evangelicals’ beliefs actually made him more attractive as an ally, not less. ‘Evangelical nice’ is a real thing …That made evangelicals unlikely to see one of their own as capable of defeating an existential threat.” - The Bulwark


Two-Faith Nation


“In the early 1990s, you could almost fit the entire religious-liberties bar in a single mid-sized hotel conference room. Now conservative religious-liberties lawyers are the virtual Seal Team Six of the culture war, with multiple organizations raising collectively close to $200 million annually to do battle in courtrooms from coast to coast. What changed?” - David French


What Should Christians Think About Abortion? (Part 3)

Read the rest of the series.

In the first two installments, we discussed some presuppositions that the pro-abortion and pro-life perspectives bring to this issue, and we saw what the activists in our secular culture are saying about abortion. We especially noted their attempts to normalize abortion to their target audience. Now, in this last installment, we consider what the Bible says about unborn children.


Mental-Health Problems and Suicides Up Among Teens


“Pew released a starting report last week, finding: Anxiety and depression are on the rise among America’s youth and, whether they personally suffer from these conditions or not, seven-in-ten teens today see them as major problems among their peers.” - National Review
