‘Love your enemies’ is a command, not a suggestion


At the recent National Prayer Breakfast, “Arthur Brooks, a Harvard professor and president of a conservative think tank, had decried a ‘crisis of contempt and polarization’ and urged his listeners to ‘love your enemies.’” In response, President Trump remarked, “I don’t know if I agree with you” - Michael Brown


Why Christians Should Care About Economic Ideas


“It is no coincidence that the twentieth century was the bloodiest century in human history. The ideas of totalitarianism and communism started in the universities and made their way into policy. These policies had devastating and unthinkable human consequences. Deaths resulting from direct government action against citizens in the twentieth century reached 262,000,000.” - IFWE


The Perpetual Problem of Race

There’s no question that racial issues are one of the biggest problems facing American society today. Instead of making progress, we seem to be moving backwards. Some contend that racial barriers are bigger today than ever before. I question that assessment, but judging from the volume of strident voices around us, I think that the degree of tension and discontent arising from racial matters is perhaps greater than at any time in American history.


Samuel Gregg: “Economic nationalism will not make America great again”


“Generally, protectionist policies are implemented in order to protect workers and industries, however, they also have the effect of throwing market incentives off balance. When a nation employing protectionist policies disincentivizes other countries from importing or exporting goods, their comparative advantage is ‘dulled’ ” - Acton
