Rejecting Vermeule’s Right-Wing Dworkinian Vision


“…there is nothing in Professor Vermeule’s essay to suggest that it is the only reasonable approach to securing the common good. More importantly, there are sound reasons to believe that the United States, through its written Constitution, chose a different—also reasonable—approach” - Law & Liberty


“Vermeule’s argument is primarily a question about what conservative political philosophy should look like”


“[Vermeule argues that] the Constitution’s most abstract language should be interpreted as affording the government almost entirely unconstrained power over its citizens, a sort of blank check for the exercise of political authority as the sovereign sees fit. But can that practice of interpretation be justified on theological grounds?” - John Ehrett


Record low number of Americans hold biblical worldview, survey says


“Born again Christians … were three times more likely than average to have a biblical worldview (19%). However, the fact that not quite one out of five born again adults holds a biblical worldview highlights the extensive decline of core Christian principles in America over the last several decades” - CPost


Recalling The ‘Habit Of Kindness’ De Tocqueville Saw In America


“In a time of crisis, however, we are thrown back on what is embodied and motionless. When we are no longer permitted to commute to work, we must turn again to the presences that exist alongside us: our housemates—be they family members or roommates—and our neighbors.” - TAC


How the coronavirus could change America’s religion of sports


“As a historian, I’m far more comfortable describing the past than predicting the future. But I think we can safely say that the religion-like functions of sports will continue. In some ways, they may even take on heightened importance.” - RNS


Something positive: Another Roundup of Positive Updates on the COVID Outbreaks From Around the World


“Last week, we published a list of ten positive updates on the COVID-19 outbreaks from around the world. …we thought we would go ahead and publish another round-up of optimistic occurrences to keep your spirits up. So here is another list of reasons why the global situation is not as bad as the mainstream media might have you think.” - Good News Network
