Gene Veith on his new book: Post-Christian: A Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture


“Back in 1994, I published Postmodern Times: A Christian Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture…. I thought of updating it, but too much has happened over the last quarter-century. So Post-Christian is a sequel to that earlier book, similarly designed to help Christians navigate the issues and mindsets and world-views of our day.” - Cranach


Fact facts: President Trump’s new guidance on religion and prayer in schools


“The document has the unwieldy title, ‘Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools.’ However, it contains pithy truths and robust protections for people of every faith in the nation’s 132,853 K-12 public schools.” - Acton


A Promising Day for Religious Liberty at the High Court


The state isn’t required to “fund private education at all, but if they choose to provide scholarships that are available to students who attend private schools, they can’t discriminate against parents who want to send their children to schools that are affiliated in some way with a church,” said Alito.
