‘Mrs. America’: How Hollywood rewrites history


“Schlafly’s elegant hairstyle and clothing were perfectly mirrored in Blanchett, according to Schlafly’s niece. ‘It was very surreal to listen to Cate Blanchett…. She just did an amazing job on that front.’ Unfortunately, that’s where the similarities end.


Pornography Pandemic: The Other Health Crisis Ravaging the World


“Pornography searches are up (among males and females of all ages), in part, because a lot of people are at home with more free time than usual. But more than that, this is a time of unprecedented fear and anxiety.” - F&T


Updates on religious liberty lawsuits over stay-at-home orders


“Needless to say, this is an area that is fast-moving. And, it’s clear that courts are dealing with a variety of constitutional concerns, as well as public health orders that take radically different approaches. In some cases, local governments have reached agreements or clarified positions in a way that address plaintiffs’ concerns.” - BJC


“No longer on the periphery, conspiracy theories have been weaponized in what is already an intensely politicized and polarized American culture.”


“Unfortunately, conspiracy theories play upon our fear by supplying a more powerful emotion: rage. Fear can so quickly morph into anger because it provides an object: they are to blame, they caused this, they deserve retribution. There will always be a willing audience for people to scapegoat.” - CToday


Apostles’ Creed: Defending the Descent


“Despite being in the Apostle’s Creed, this doctrine is not universally believed. First, as the Catholic Church begin to drift more and more into sacerdotalism, the descent to the dead gradually morphed into a descent into hell.
