American Culture Is Broken. Is Theonomy the Answer?


“Have you noticed this vision of Christianity in the public square that seems muscular, confident,… tired of Christianity’s never-ending losses in the culture war. It rightly criticizes the decadence, perversion, and irrational norms of secularism and understands that under the guise of ‘neutrality,’ secularism has become the functional god of this age.” - TGC


"Key American freedoms are less fragile than they were even a decade ago. . . . the attacks are still very real."


“I can’t even tell you how many times I saw the same pattern in my legal career. An aggressive university or aggressive government agency would take direct aim at a social conservative client… the university would not only lose, it would also sometimes set a precedent that built the fortress of free speech or religious liberty larger and stronger. ” - David French


Why Is Church Membership in America on the Decline?


“The decline in church membership appears to be primarily a result of more Americans expressing no religious preference….Most of the rest of the drop can be attributed to a decline in formal church membership among Americans who do have a religious preference….


Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion?


“We can learn from how [Frederick] Douglass understood both his Christian faith and the abuses inflicted on enslaved people in the name of Christianity.” - TGC


Gallup: Church members are minority in U.S. for first time


“Church members are in the minority for the first time in at least eight decades, with just 47 percent identifying with a congregation, Gallup said in a poll released [March 29]. The number was 70 percent in 1999.” - BPNews


Do you have faith? How COVID has affected religion and other beliefs


“…only 10 percent of British adults said their faith grew stronger as a result of the pandemic. In Japan, only 5 percent say religion came to play a stronger role in their lives…. Nearly three-in-ten Americans (28 percent) report stronger personal faith because of the pandemic” - The Hill
