California to pay $1.35M to settle Harvest Rock Church lawsuit against gathering restrictions


“The order also prohibited unfair treatment of houses of worship in emergency orders, explaining that the state government could ‘impose capacity or numerical restrictions on religious worship services and gatherings at places of worship that are either identical to, or at least as favorable as, the restrictions imposed on other similar gatherings of similar risk.’” - C.Post


Is Secularism Crumbling?


“European evangelist J. John thinks that it is. He notes growing numbers–a million over the last few years–attending his evangelistic events… the burgeoning number of evangelicals in France… large numbers of conversions to Christianity among Muslim immigrants. He focuses, though, on the sense he is picking up on that secularism is failing, and that the secularists are realizing it.” - Veith


Russell Moore announces departure from ERLC helm


“Russell Moore is leaving the SBC’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, ending an occasionally controversial eight-year tenure, to take a role with Christianity Today.” - BPNews
