Pew: How the American middle class has changed in the past five decades


“The shrinking of the middle class has been accompanied by an increase in the share of adults in the upper-income tier – from 14% in 1971 to 21% in 2021 – as well as an increase in the share who are in the lower-income tier, from 25% to 29%.” - Pew


Why Does Socialism Fail?


“Socialism requires not only that we overcome the self-interest problem, the incentive problem, and the knowledge problem, but we’re going to give these social planners all this power and say ‘…we’re going to be benevolent.’ This never happens.” - IFWE


Where Did the Idea of War Crimes Come From?


“The earliest idea that war should be governed and moderated, however, dates long before any formal formulation of Just War Theory. In Deuteronomy 20, Moses instructed the Israelites not to kill the women and children of their enemies.” - Breakpoint
