We Need a Better Approach to Race Conversations


“As a black pastor trained in a conservative evangelical school, I have been grieved to watch my white fellow pastors debate each other and divide over racial issues….Into this fray enters George Yancey with his new book, Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness and Antiracism.” - TGC


Put Not Thy Trust in Technology (Social Media as a Tower of Babel)


“The post-Babel situation is, according to Haidt, a disaster and the ‘best metaphor he has encountered’ for ‘the fractured country we now inhabit.’ Haidt imagines the post-Babel world to be one in which people wandered amid the ruins of the destroyed city ‘unable to communicate, condemned to mutual incomprehension.’” - Law & Liberty


Should We Take a ‘Winsome Approach’ to Culture? Christians Debate If Tim Keller’s ‘Moment Has Passed’


“Regarding French’s point that Christians are to love our enemies at all times, Dreher agrees that we are, but says, ‘Loving one’s enemies does not mean that one should close one’s eyes to the fact that they are enemies, and wish to do us serious harm.’ And while it is true, Dreher says, that politics should not shape our faith, we must not be afraid to take a political stand.” - C.Leaders


President Biden Calls Aborted Babies Children


“His statement is hard to follow but here’s the point: The president said abortion kills a child—not a clump of cells, not a fetus, not a potential human. A child.” - Breakpoint
